Sökverktyg - Media- och Kommunikationsvetenskap - Guides


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Ulrichsweb. Förteckning och beskrivning av mer än 300 000 internationella tidskrifter inom ett flertal ämnesområden. För varje tidskrift finns detaljerad information såsom språk, periodicitet, kontaktuppgifter, startår, ansvarig utgivare, ISSN etc. Även tidskriftens vetenskapliga status (referee-granskning) och uppgifter om valda Your Ulrichsweb.com account administrator is able to view reports that show how users are accessing your Ulrichsweb.com account based on the username or the IP Address selected. Ulrichsweb.com usage statistics are not COUNTER-based as of 2007, but will be moved to COUNTER compliance for database … Ulrichsweb Login Page. Hidden skip to search results used for keyboard support Hidden skip to search input used for keyboard support. Ulrich's Serials Analysis System.

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UlrichsWeb is a bibliographic database on serials published throughout the world. It includes publications that are published regularly or irregularly and are circulated free of charge or by paid subscription. This database is the only specialist bibliography available for the study of modern and contemporary art. Covers all art forms, from painting, sculptu Tillgänglig för Göteborgs universitet. Political Science Database ger användarna tillgång till hundratals ledande tidskrifter inom ämnen statsvetenskap, offentlig förvaltning och internationella relationer. Det innehåller också tusentals doktorsavhandlingar i fulltext om politiska ämnen, tillsammans med arbetsdokument, konferenshandlingar, landrapporter, policyhandlingar och andra källor.

Content: Reference, data. Terms of use: 300 000 periodicals of all  Ulrichsweb global serials directory.

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This will take you to the entire list of the UMGC library's databases, where you will find a link to Ulrichsweb. This brief tutorial explains how to navigate to Ulrichsweb from the UBC Library website and how to use the database to determine if a particular journal is p Description Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, or ulrichsweb.com (formerly Ulrich's Plus), provides detailed information on serials published throughout the world. It covers all subjects, and includes publications that are published regularly or irregularly and are circulated free of charge or by paid subscription.

Databases - Mittuniversitetet

Ulrichsweb database

Check the journal's web page · 3. Use Ulrichsweb Global   ULRICHSWEB Global Serials Directory · All titles are subject classified. · Links to journal homepages. · ISSN, former title(s) history, variant titles, editorial and  Sök i Ulrichsweb och få fakta om en viss tidskrift, bl a uppgifter om i vilken subject, abstracting & indexing coverage, full-text database coverage, tables of  Home / Finder / Databases · Denna sida på svenska · Ulrichsweb.

Ulrichsweb database

Academic/Scholarly: A serial type assigned by Ulrich's to describe the primary audience for the publication.
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Ulrichsweb. Förteckning och beskrivning av mer än 300 000 internationella tidskrifter inom ett flertal ämnesområden. För varje tidskrift finns detaljerad information såsom språk, periodicitet, kontaktuppgifter, startår, ansvarig utgivare, ISSN etc. Även tidskriftens vetenskapliga status (referee-granskning) och uppgifter om valda Your Ulrichsweb.com account administrator is able to view reports that show how users are accessing your Ulrichsweb.com account based on the username or the IP Address selected.

7 Apr 2021 UlrichsWeb: database containing "detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and  2 Nov 2020 Ulrich's records provide data points such as ISSN, publisher, language, subject, abstracting & indexing coverage, full-text database coverage,  1 Databases found for U; ulrich's UlrichsWeb Global Serials Directory A fully searchable database of hundreds of e-books; step-by-step instructions for core  11 Feb 2021 Use database filters (if available); Check on the journal website; Check in Ulrichsweb https://research.lib.buffalo.edu/ulrichsweb; Contact  This is one of the premier databases for computer science and technology research. Ulrichsweb.com is an online directory of journals, magazines, and other  The database features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, Ulrichsweb contains references to  15 Feb 2021 This is a quick 3 minute tutorial on how to use Ulrichsweb database to verify that the sources you are using for your SOC 280 final paper  10 Jul 2019 Title Ulrichsweb URL https://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com/ HJ HJ www. ulrichsweb.com HJ ulrichsweb.com DJ ulrichsweb.com cookies,” you're agreeing to let your browser store that data on your device so that we Also includes project facts, timelines, financial data, site plans, and photos. UlrichsWeb Global Serials Directory · Provided by the Virtual Library of Virginia  Ulrichsweb.com provides users with essential serials bibliographic and access information that ranges from subscription rates to the latest web sites.
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I vilka databaser indexeras tidskriften? - Publiceringsstrategi

Ulrichsweb är en databas över tidskrifter och annan periodisk litteratur där du kan få information om många olika aspekter kring en tidskrift (för en mer  Databasens innehåll: Vetenskapliga artiklar med mera. Tidskrifter för lärare och skoladministration. Utbildningsvetenskap. U. ULRICHSWEB  This is an alphabetical list of all our databases. You can search a database by typing the name in the search box, click on the initial letter or scroll alphabetically.