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The map legend often also has a scale to help the map reader gauge dista Maps are a terrific way to learn about geography. Maybe you're looking to explore the country and learn about it while you're planning for or dreaming about a trip. Maybe you're a homeschool parent or you're just looking for a way to supple Sometimes called a legend, a map key is a table that explains what the symbols on a map mean. This helps the person reading the map understand where to find certain items. For example, a map of a mall may have symbols that reveal bathrooms, Google Maps does more than just help you get from point A to Point B. It's a fun learning tool for kids studying geography, and it has a variety of functions that enable creativity in how it's used. Airport terminals can be intimidating places as you're trying navigate your way around with suitcases and kids in tow. The bigger the airport, the bigger the confusion.